Embrace The Intuitive Soul Within You
Live With Ease and Grace
90 Day
Three R’s Program : Receive Divine Guidance
1:1 Virtual – In Office – At Home Sessions
Take Your Lifestyle Assessment By Clicking The Image Below Receive A Consultation After
Do you want to explore and enhance your own spiritual gift?
How? ---- With our 90-Day Program!
We start by determining what your highest values are and focus on those key things.
Then we focus on achieving your goals by implementing the 3R’s.
Remove: Release, delegate those things that do not fit into your highest values. This will free you up to love your life on your terms. This will be activities, food, water, people, actions, inactions, traits, behaviors. These are interferences and distractions that stop you from being your best self.
Replace: Explore what does fit within your highest values. What is that exact list? This will be activities, food, water, people, actions, inactions, traits, behaviors. It takes 21 days to establish new behaviors. And, when you are doing only the things that you love, you innately become Unstoppable
Receive: Receive abundance in those areas of life that you are focused on. Could be financial love, joy, spiritual abundance. You choose YOU, You BE you. You are now being guided by spirit and your higher self.
You are now receiving guidance from the highest source and you live life on your terms, not based upon someone elses expectation of how you should BE, ACT or DO.
Congratulations! You Made it!
What Problems Can It Solve?
Release Patterns of Behaviors that Keep Your From Moving Forward
Managing Change With Ease and Grace at Home and Work
Healing Broken Relationships
Navigating The Twin Flame Relationships
Navigating Your Relationship to Food
This Is For You If....
You are Tired of Being Tired
You are Faced with Constant Communication Issues
You are Not Getting What you Want
You Feel Anxious and Fearful
You are Emotionally Triggered and out of Control
What Will You Learn?
1. Clear timelines, align chakras and integrate collapsing timelines
2. Replace spirit guides as needed
3. Create protection grids for all your living spaces, especially your physical body
4. Muscle Testing – Learn how to determine for yourself what is for your highest good. (Foods Supplements, People, Events)
5. Heal Soul Fractures, Close and Remove Portals, Rewrite Akashic Records to eliminate Walk-ins and other unwanted energetic patterns
6.. Release programmed belief systems that no longer serve you and replace with those that align with your soul.
7. Establish Healthy Boundaries (both 3d and 5D) so your light shines bright
8. Shift your mindset and fall in love with your best friend…. You!
9. Health is your divine right. Define what health can really look like for you… expand those boundaries.
Program is customized to meet the needs of the customer
How it works
6 x 90 minute, one-on-one coaching sessions scheduled bi-weekly.
1 Healy* Aura reading prior to coaching
3 Recorded Intuitive Card Readings – one per section
2 Distant Energy Healing Sessions
24 Healy Sessions* – Customized Healing Sessions – 8 per section
1 Healy Aura Reading 4 weeks after completion of the program.
1 – Journal
*Healy is a portable distance healing device that uses micro-current frequency and micro-current programs to boost your health, vitality and wellbeing on an emotional, physical and spiritual level.
Healy analyzes specific frequencies in the body that cause bioenergetic imbalance. It then delivers specific frequencies to the body to adjust to a more harmonized bioenergetic balance.
What Is Included?
6 x 120 minute, 1:1 Intuitive coaching sessions
3 Recorded Intuitive Card Readings
24 Healy/Rife Sessions- Customized
1- Journal
Click To Get More Details Now!
Want a free glimpse at what you will receive?
In this online class we teach you how to access source energy.
Understanding what we feel before you choose to listen to the message from the divine. One of the concerns I had when I first started was….
WHO am I hearing?
WHO am I taking direction from?
I quickly gained discernment how to distinguish the light from the dark.
Rajai Kaldani and I will show you how.
Healing Circle For Forgiveness
Unity North Church - Atlanta
At this Healing Circle held October 18, 2022 at Unity North Church in Atlanta, Georgia, the focus was on self forgiveness.
Most of us are beating ourselves up for the mistakes of the past. We forgive others and we forget to forgive ourselves. That takes a toll on our physical, spiritual and mental body.
Please watch this session and give yourself the gift of forgiveness.
During this video, there are some audio issues. Please do not worry about that. You will still receive the healing.
Still On The Fence?
Here is the logic Behind Why Life Should only be a God Job
Rev. Jodi's qualifications
Rev. Jodi L. Suson, MBA, Organizational Behavior, uses a multi-modal method to self-healing. Her approach stems from her personal health journey and working with Doctors of Chiropractic, Functional Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine. She reversed 29 chronic conditions, lost 92 pounds by removing and neutralizing the toxicity from her life, replacing it with nutrient dense foods, filtered water, energy-healing practices, essentials oils. Her ability to receive source energy magnified by treating her body as a temple.
– Brain Health Professional Through Amen Clinics. Rev. Jodi focuses on Emotional Healing Through Toxic Free Living, allowing you to optimize your brain health and your life.
– Certified holistic nutritionist, AFPA directing you on the right foods and the finest nutritional supplements, so that your body will function at its best.
– Certified In Essentials Oils Though Life University under Dr. Josh Axe, providing healthy alternatives to drug and synthetic chemical-based products that manifest as dis-ease.
– Quantum Energy Healer and Reiki Master accessing the greater consciousness and the subconscious mind. The ability to remove thought viruses that were imprinted from childhood and/or past lives that were never yours to begin with. Guiding you to access source energy, expand consciousness, achieve enlightment by releasing low vibration energies, choosing differently and becoming the best version of yourself.
-NLP , Board Certified By The Association of Integrative Psychology. Neuro Linguistic Programming. By examining how our brains process information, NLP techniques help us to look at our thoughts, feelings and emotions as things that we can control, rather than things that passively happen to us. So, we can be a master of our destiny.
– Mastery in Divine Intervention and Spontaneous Remission, Trained under Dr. Suzan Rossi, DC (see explanation below)
– Human Behaviorist, MBA , Organizational Behavior from Lake Forest Graduate School of Management, Training from Dr. John DeMartini, Landmark Education, Dr. Frank Lawlis, DiSC, and more.
The Healing Retreat
Rev. Jodi’s private healing retreat is a calm and peaceful retreat space for her work outside of the Atlanta metro area. She holds classes and works with individuals in an atmosphere that soothes and brings energetic healing.
Divine Intervention And
Spontaneous Remission Explained
To explain the Divine is an impossible task: what I will do is give you my human observations on Divine Intervention.
Divine Intervention is where Source (God, Spirit, higher power) comes through and the physical and the spiritual take action at the same instant to create a miracle. In other words, Divine Intervention is the phenomenon where tumors fall to the floor and/or dis-eases may go into spontaneous remission.
Divine Intervention may be referred to as the loudest, most specific prayer that can call the forces of nature and heaven together, hand in hand.
The most intimate connection that one can have with another being on this planet is to hold the space for a split second of heaven to appear in or for someone.
As Source intervenes in a situation, through a Divine Intervention practitioner, the laws of a larger physics come into play.
The possibility that the body may return to its natural state of wholeness jumps astronomically.
At this moment, the physical body may surrender to be used to the fullest by Source as the electric and magnetic energies split. When this happens, anything that is not vital to the energetic structure of the body falls apart and appears outside of the body.
Source intervening in any situation brings up several questions.
There are a number of things that need to precede this “Miraculous Event”.
The Divine Intervention practitioner needs to create space for the “Divine” to manifest. Source needs to be called upon and directed by blending healing wisdom with the power of the Divine.
The DI practitioner needs to “Let Go” of judgment of the condition of the healee, step out of ego, and stay out of the way mentally and emotionally.
She/He has to surrender to become the instrument of Source, which raises the vibrations of someone with a chronic ailment by using specific dimensions and emanating a precise hertz frequency.
A person’s state of consciousness, emotional overlays, amount of repressed emotions, and original cause play an important part of the process.
No matter how good the energy, until someone has learned her/his lesson or she/he totally put the dis-ease into the hands of a higher power, healing comes at its own natural pace or not at all.
To create a connection with Source that supersedes most belief systems and most scientific results causes miraculous events.
Miracles manifest in many ways. The energy flowing into the natural healing process increases as energetic blockages are removed from the subtle bodies and the physical body.
When a connection to Source that is as wide as a pencil is increased to the size of a “two-lane highway”, the possibilities multiply in quantum leaps.
At this point in time what scientists call a “singularity” happens. A shift in some states or in all states occurs.
The results can be having nothing appearing on the physical level, small cells like grains of sand or rice appearing, or large chunks of matter manifesting outside of the body.
Rev. Jodi L. Suson Becomes
A DISR Practitioner
In 2018 Rev. Jodi was taught by a friend how to access Source energy using her body as a pendulum. From there, Rev. Jodi took most of her direction from the divine. Following his word.
In 2018 Rev. Jodi was introduced to Divine Intervention (DISR) by her mentors, Dr. Nate Gerowitz and Dr. Suzan Rossi, a master teacher of the modality. Most of Rev. Jodi’s gifts were downloaded to her by the Divine.
In 2019, she became concerned about WHO she was listening to. She called her mentor and friend Dr. Nate Gerowitz who taught her how to have discernment about the energy and the messages received. From then on, she became a clear channel. Thanksgiving morning 2019, Rev. Jodi did her first healing on her now husband Andrew T. Calhoun.
In 2022, less than 1 year after moving to Georgia, she trained under Dr. Suzan Rossi and her daughter Jenina Smith, learning this ancient form of healing. There she was able to connect her divine downloads to DISR giving her divination messages the definitions they deserved.
Since that time, Rev. Jodi has held healing space for people who had heart failure, brain health issues, Trauma, PTSD, resolving her own cancer and brain tumor issues, depression, and much more.
Rev. Jodi believes it is our divine right to talk TO and HEAR God, Source Energy. She is a powerful healer and teacher, and she lives to help others live on purpose with joy, vitality and harmony.
With Gratitude To Dr. Suzan Rossi
I became better acquainted with Dr. Suzan Rossi after I moved to Georgia and took her DISR class. She had often referred to me as her “Peer”. After Dr. Suzan passed March 6, 2023, Suzan took me under her wing from above. She has taught me deeper levels of energy protection and binding dark energy forces and bringing love and light to all especially in their darkest moments. I am certain that when my own health was failing at the end of March 2023, she was one of my angels guiding my health back every step of the way. The doctors did not expect me to survive and so I say, THANK YOU Dr. Suzan Rossi. For you today, and everyday, I am eternally grateful for your guidance, wisdom, friendship, love and protection. In this life time and all lifetimes, all dimensions and timelines, may you experience harmony, peace and joy and the true essence of love
– Rev. Jodi L. Suson
– ZeldaSpeaks,
The Mindfulness/STRESS Relief Facilitator
WOW is an UNDERstatement!
What this Professional Energy Healing Sister has done for me is un-freakin-believable!
I have been carrying my deceased sister’s body of energy in my body for almost a year, and I finally learned thru Jodi Suson,
how to RELEASE IT. Then it dawned on me that the “ISSUES in my TISSUES go even further back than that!
My issues go back to my childhood traumas of ABANDONMENT! FEAR! AND LOW SELF WORTH!
How is that possible? I’ve learned over the years that which we sometimes teach others, is often something we need to learn on a deeper level.
I am EXTREMELY GRATEFUL that I’ve learned that despite myself, I am always in learning mode, because ENERGY never dies! It only transfers or transforms into another entity! I still feel her prescence, but not the horrific pain she carried.
As I continue this journey of self healing (Because our current SICK CARE SYSTEM does not cater to this understanding, or Doctors too afraid to speak out!) I make it my daily ritual of practicing self love FIRST before my feet hit the floor in the morning. I am extremely grateful for all the healing modalities I’ve learned including the Healy app, the BAUD (My all time favorite) and the Mat. Did I mention all the ESSENTIAL oils I now use religiously, as opposed to all the pills we’re prescribed by the Pharmacutical companies that prefer PROFITS over People?
I dare to think where I would be now without her assistance. I cannot begin to THANK YOU Enough for all that you do in bringing this type of awareness to the public! I knew I did the right thing by suggesting that you host a talk show on The Female Solution Radio/TV Show! Self-Cell Care is where mind meets body and takes it to a whole new level of comprehension. Now our listeners and viewers get a chance to experience a new way of self healing, not depending on anything outside of ourselves. We have been blessed with the gift of discernment, and I am honored to be among the living who practice what you have to offer to heal this planet.
Stay on purpose, stay empowered, stay tuned to Self-Cell Care with Jodi Suson of SusonEssentails.com
You can Thank Me later!
ZeldaSpeaks, The Mindfulness/STRESS Relief Facilitator
– ZeldaSpeaks,
The Mindfulness/STRESS Relief Facilitator
I called in to the Female Solution Blog Talk Radio Show Self-Cell Care and asked Jodi and Michelle a question directed to my deceased husband who died in 2008.
I wanted him to speak to the wreckage he left the family in due to a deviant personality that possessed him. Both Jodi and Michelle were 100% accurate as they gave their answers and responses. Neither of them knew me or him, but they tuned into his personality and great contributions while alive. I and my family were greatly impressed with the accuracy of their work in channeling Rev. James Luther Bevel, strategist and advisor for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They were simply amazing.
– Myeka Edmond Bevel
I gave Jodi Suson of “Suson Essentials,” a try recently for the long-term vocal disability issue I’ve been dealing with for 3+ years…
A professional MD-laryngologist said he thought my problem was beginning Multiple Sclerosis. Jodi asked me a few questions, and as a medical intuitive, said she believes the inability to speak is not MS, but rather, deeply held emotional trauma, which after reflection, fits my situation to a tee! So, the healing journey continues, but with a new direction that absolutely fits, and I have already started improving more than before I saw her. Bravo!
– Tedi May
– Dr. Frank Lawlis
Creator of BAUD
I want to congratulate Jodi Suson for her achievements as a modern-day Shaman who has used her brilliance in her use of aromas,
Nutrition knowledge, and her BAUD skills for the health of our nation. She is among the very best in using her intuitive wisdom to solve the most mysterious of diseases.
– Dr. Frank Lawlis
Creator of the BAUD
– Jennifer Stennett
LCPC Psychotherapist @JEM Counseling
Jodi uses her gifts as a medical intuitive to help my children easily understand root cause and solutions to complicated issues.
With her leadership training, she guides my teenage children to view new and unique situations, helping them to see all things in a positive light with self-confidence. I am grateful for her insights and wisdom.
– Jennifer Stennett
LCPC Psychotherapist @JEM Counseling
WOW is an UNDERstatement!
What this Professional Energy Healing Sister has done for me is un-freakin-believable!
I have been carrying my deceased sister’s body of energy in my body for almost a year, and I finally learned thru Jodi Suson,
how to RELEASE IT. Then it dawned on me that the “ISSUES in my TISSUES go even further back than that!
My issues go back to my childhood traumas of ABANDONMENT! FEAR! AND LOW SELF WORTH!
How is that possible? I’ve learned over the years that which we sometimes teach others, is often something we need to learn on a deeper level.
I am EXTREMELY GRATEFUL that I’ve learned that despite myself, I am always in learning mode, because ENERGY never dies! It only transfers or transforms into another entity! I still feel her prescence, but not the horrific pain she carried.
As I continue this journey of self healing (Because our current SICK CARE SYSTEM does not cater to this understanding, or Doctors too afraid to speak out!) I make it my daily ritual of practicing self love FIRST before my feet hit the floor in the morning. I am extremely grateful for all the healing modalities I’ve learned including the Healy app, the BAUD (My all time favorite) and the Mat. Did I mention all the ESSENTIAL oils I now use religiously, as opposed to all the pills we’re prescribed by the Pharmacutical companies that prefer PROFITS over People?
I dare to think where I would be now without her assistance. I cannot begin to THANK YOU Enough for all that you do in bringing this type of awareness to the public! I knew I did the right thing by suggesting that you host a talk show on The Female Solution Radio/TV Show! Self-Cell Care is where mind meets body and takes it to a whole new level of comprehension. Now our listeners and viewers get a chance to experience a new way of self healing, not depending on anything outside of ourselves. We have been blessed with the gift of discernment, and I am honored to be among the living who practice what you have to offer to heal this planet.
Stay on purpose, stay empowered, stay tuned to Self-Cell Care with Jodi Suson of SusonEssentails.com
You can Thank Me later!
ZeldaSpeaks, The Mindfulness/STRESS Relief Facilitator
I called in to the Female Solution Blog Talk Radio Show Self-Cell Care and asked Jodi and Michelle a question directed to my deceased husband who died in 2008. I wanted him to speak to the wreckage he left the family in due to a deviant personality that possessed him. Both Jodi and Michelle were 100% accurate as they gave their answers and responses. Neither of them knew me or him, but they tuned into his personality and great contributions while alive. I and my family were greatly impressed with the accuracy of their work in channeling Rev. James Luther Bevel, strategist and advisor for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They were simply amazing. – Myeka Edmond Bevel
I gave Jodi Suson of “Suson Essentials,” a try recently for the long-term vocal disability issue I’ve been dealing with for 3+ years…A professional MD-laryngologist said he thought my problem was beginning Multiple Sclerosis. Jodi asked me a few questions, and as a medical intuitive, said she believes the inability to speak is not MS, but rather, deeply held emotional trauma, which after reflection, fits my situation to a tee! So, the healing journey continues, but with a new direction that absolutely fits, and I have already started improving more than before I saw her. Bravo! – Tedi May
I want to congratulate Jodi Suson for her achievements as a modern-day Shaman who has used her brilliance in her use of aromas, nutrition knowledge, and her BAUD skills for the health of our nation. She is among the very best in using her intuitive wisdom to solve the most mysterious of diseases. – Dr. Frank Lawlis – Creator of the BAUD
Jodi uses her gifts as a medical intuitive to help my children easily understand root cause and solutions to complicated issues. With her leadership training, she guides my teenage children to view new and unique situations, helping them to see all things in a positive light with self-confidence. I am grateful for her insights and wisdom. – Jennifer Stennett LCPC Psychotherapist @JEM Counseling
More Testimonies Coming Soon!
A Medical Intuitive is someone who can sense and interpret the subtle energies within the body, helping you uncover the root causes of physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. At Suson Essentials, our expert Medical Intuitive uses a holistic approach to guide you on your healing journey. Whether you’re facing chronic health issues, emotional blockages, or looking for deeper spiritual alignment, a session with a Medical Intuitive can offer profound insights.
Our Medical Intuitive sessions focus on understanding your unique energy patterns, allowing for a tailored approach to healing. By tapping into your body’s energy field, our Medical Intuitive helps identify imbalances that may not be visible through traditional medical approaches. This non-invasive technique enables you to gain a deeper awareness of your health and wellbeing.
Many clients seek out a Medical Intuitive when traditional methods have not provided the answers they’re looking for. The insights provided by a Medical Intuitive can often reveal underlying issues related to past trauma, unresolved emotions, or energetic blockages. Working with a Medical Intuitive allows you to take control of your health in a holistic way, focusing not just on symptoms but on the full spectrum of mind, body, and spirit.
Whether you’re new to holistic health or have been exploring alternative healing methods for years, a Medical Intuitive session at Suson Essentials can help you gain clarity, balance, and a renewed sense of wellness. Our Medical Intuitive is committed to providing compassionate, insightful guidance that helps you heal on all levels. Experience the power of a Medical Intuitive and start your path to a healthier, more vibrant life today.
Book your Medical Intuitive session now and discover how energy healing can transform your health.