FREE Detox Frequency  with Any Water Filter Purchase !

Train The Trainer And Group Sessions

Rev. Jodi L. Suson

Public Speaking and Training on Emotional Healing Toxic Free Living

My Vision is to raise the bar on mental health. I teach mental health practitioners and others to approach healing from a variety of ways . This includes teaching the community how to use Aromatherapy for brain health, precision sound frequency for PTSD, Anxiety, Stress and more. Teach them how to increase blood flow to the brain whether it be through nutrition, PEMF or light therapy.  Last, but not least, provide a path to TEST for parasites, unfriendly bacteria , food sensitivities which can mimic a severe mental imbalances, and instead, pivot to get to the root cause and make it affordable.  

Classes are taught onsite or online 

Training On Essential Oils

Learn about the power of using Essential Oils to manage your emotional wellbeing.  Did you know that you need to work with your brain first when you are managing pain?   Yes you do and I can show you how.   

Why do we work with the brain first?  The brain is your mainframe computer and it controls every organ, tissue and cell in your body.  So, if it is in fight or flight, it makes sense to help yourself, or your patient get the brain back to rest and digest.  If you have a mental health practice, I can come in a train you and your team on these best practices. 

It is important to break down the toxins in the body with ease and grace. As you may know, the toxins that are in our food and water supply are toxic.  Even if we are careful about what we eat , e.g., responsibly produced foods, filtered water, we are still exposed to microplastics and petroleum to simply name two offending items.  The average person is exposed to 700,000 different toxic chemicals on a daily basis, and this doesn’t include the poisons that GMO companies are pumping into the food supply.    When essential oils are used properly, we can then slowly and methodically reclaim our health and literally reverse damage and aging.  The results vary by person since we all have different DNA and commitment levels to our health.  Knowledge is power, and Action begets results.   I can help your team understand the HOW and you can help your patients take the steps to better health and self-empowerment.  #enoughbodiestoheal

Learning Objectives

Using Essential Oils for:

  • Emotional Pain
  • Physical Pain
  • Kicking Addictive Behaviors
  • Replacing over the counter options

Emotional Healing Toxic Free Living

Why it is Critical To Test Before You Label Someone With A Mental Health Disorder?

Teaching at GACA 2023 Fall Conference at St. Simmons Island, GA

GACA 10/23 event Jodi Teaching

We start with a Self-Assessment  Body ScanGACA 2023 Fall Conference Self Assessment

Rajai Kaldani demonstrates and introduces the concept of Neuro patches that send a signal to the brain to effect immediate change.

(Super Patch)

Rajai Kaldani Muscle Testing Super Patch

After being mis-diagnosed for nearly 2 decades and disabled for almost 4 years, Rev. Jodi learned the truth about our food and water supply and how it impacted her emotional health.  She was able to reverse 29 chronic conditions using plant and energy based healing  including reclaiming her emotional wellbeing.  

Rev. Jodi now paves the way for others to transform their lives  by teaching techniques that shift mindset, brain health, emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing.  Rev. Jodi provides people the freedom to be who they are on their own terms

Jodi uses a multi-modal method to self-healing. Her approach stems from her personal health journey and working with Chiropractors, and practitioners of Functional Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncturists, Masters of Divine Interventionist Spontaneous Remission and other holistic practitioners. She reversed 29 chronic conditions, lost 92 pounds by shifting her mindset, removing and neutralizing the toxicity from her life, replacing it with nutrient dense foods, filtered water, energy-healing practices, and essentials oils. Her ability to receive source energy is magnified by treating her body as a temple. The real gift is that through extensive peer-reviewed research, Jodi found the solutions that are both the most effective and the most affordable so others can reclaim their health too. 

Learning Objectives

1. Learn to Identify plant based approach to mental health based in science. 

2. Learn to remove hidden toxins in the home, food, water and personal care items

3. Learn to Neutralize hidden toxins that can not be removed

  • How food sensitivities impact our mental health
  • How PEMF will help with brain health
  • Precision Sound Frequency for addictions, stress, and anxiety
  • Parasites and the connection to mental health
  • Connecting the dots between addictions and our food and water supply – The Bliss Point

Course Description*

Rev. Jodi L. Suson shares her personal health journey of being mis-diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder and Schizophrenia , over medicated for nearly 19 years and disabled for almost 4 years.  Learn from her journey and research how to help your patients to remove hidden toxins (EMF, BPA, Heavy Metals, Endocrine Disruptors) that contribute mental health issues such as anxiety, stress, depression and more.   

6 Hour Course -Taught In Person

Rajai Shares his personal Story of  How He Reclaimed His Mental Health

Muscle Testing the Superpatch for Balance and Stability

Helping A Participant with Centropix PEMA

Group & Individual
Rife Sessions

TrueRifeWhat is the Rife machine?

The Rife machine is a light frequency generator. It is not a magic wand or a “miracle cure,” however, we have seen some miraculous outcomes. The Rife machine uses frequencies to both heal & kill specific bad cells or pathogens.  When we are targeting things like pathogens, viruses, fungi or cancer cells, frequencies can kill the “bad guys” and leave the “good guys” in place to keep doing their job.

The Rife machine is a great tool to have for virtually all health issues, from shoulder injuries to v——s to more serious diseases, like c—cer. The Rife machine also cannot make things worse or cause any side effects. Rife therapy really is using the wonders of physics & science to attack the cells by working naturally with our bodies — This is why we are so impressed with this therapy.

What Can TrueRife Do For You?

  • Decrease Pain

  • Improve Sleep

  • Increase Energy/Reduce Fatigue

  • Boost Athletic Performance

  • Elevate Your Mood

  • Recover Faster

  • Detox Your Body

TrueRife has over 2,400 programs in the database. Sessions can be offered to individuals and in groups.  (Remote Services available)

ION PRO WAVE foot spa’s should not be compared with other Ionic Foot bath systems.  These are frequency delivery modules that have their own unique programs that can be delivered in a multitude of ways.

We simply plug the module into the F-122, set the switch to BATH, add 3/4 TBSP of sea salt to the tub and water,   click RUN in the TrueRife Program software. You will see and feel the effects of this system!  We ran the lymphatic System with the TrueRife.

ION PRO WAVE TrueRife Footbath

To learn more about how you can recharge your bodies and detox safely. 


Necessary Legal Note: The TrueRife machine does not treat disease of any kind. We do NOT believe that TrueRife cures/treats cancer or any disease; it’s not a magic wand. We believe in the wisdom of supporting one’s immune system through Biblical, God-given methods; we do not diagnose nor treat disease. That said, the KEY to success with Rife technology is the PROGRAM, the frequencies, one is running combined with lifestyle changes that are typically  required.

please reach out to schedule time. 




Mindset Training - NLP

Shifting Your Mindset starts with awareness of the current reality, how we show up, what are the actions, inactions and behaviors that we demonstrate.  Rev. Jodi will help you identify your highest values and make sure that there is evidence to support that you are living by your highest values.  Meaning, Rev. Jodi will help you determine if those values are based upon reality or a story that you are creating. Rev. Jodi has been a student of human behavior for decades. Her MBA is in Organizational Behavior, She is a long time student of Dr. John DeMartini (contributing author of the book The Secret), student of Landmark Education, NLP and much more.   She helps you identify blind spots, what you are unconsciously speaking into existence, which would be how one manifests what they don’t want.  She will help you  release old behaviors that are not serving you and anchor in new behaviors that support you becoming the master of your own destiny.

The added bonus –  Rev. Jodi is a Quantum Energy Healer.  This allows her to access the subconscious mind, and greater  universal source consciousness.  She can support erasing imprints, traumas and cellular memories that stop you from becoming the best version of yourself. 

Learning Objectives

  • What is Programming?
  • What is living by our highest values?
  • How Do we Know what our Highest Values are?
  • How do we know if we are being true to ourselves?
  • What are the Signals to look for?
  • How Do I  Reprogram my own thoughts that align with my beliefs?

Learn more and schedule today. 

Shifting Your Mindset To Reclaim Your Health

Toxic Free Living

Food as Your Medicine

Eat Real Food grown by farmers not food made in a lab

Learning Objectives

    • Foods (stress and de-stress)
    • Foods for Brain Health
    • Foods to reduce Cholesterol and Sugar Levels
    • Foods for Happiness and Joy
    • What is GMO anyway?
    • Why do I need to know my farmers? (conventional foods vs. Organic Foods)
    • Why a whole food diet supports you being happy
    • Mouth- Gut- Brain Connection – New 😊


While we can not change the past about what we were taught about food and pills, we have the divine right to choose differently right now. 

Every food has a benefit for the human body. Cilantro has been used for detox, chocolate has the highest anti-oxidants that we know of today.  Cashews are natures anti-depressant and walnuts are awesome for brain health.  Brazil Nuts will lower cholesterol so fast and Cinnamon will lower sugar levels. 

NAC, N-Acetyl Cysteine, is an amino acid that has uses that include releasing addictions, lung health and any  V—-s.   When it is paired with Curcumin and black pepper, it is a natural pain reliever.  

This information is readily available through pub med studies and most holistic practitioners but is not on your TV because the revenue stream is not as profitable when we just stick with nature.  The cool thing is that if you are not able to take one food or supplement you have many more options in nature to choose from.   When we kick pills to the side, we can live life on our own terms and with vitality.  

Schedule Rev. Jodi L. Suson to  teach your team today. 


Place of Peace Sessions
Office, Events, Retreats

IMAGINE THE POSITIVE IMPACT OF 20 MINUTES OF REJUVENATION & SELF-CELL CARE™ What if you could give yourself, your patients, event attendees or employees a place to decompress for 20 minutes a day —a Place of Peace? What would be the benefit to those you serve starting with yourself?

Benefits? Think about . . . 

  • Greater Focus & Mental Acuity
  • Better Memory and Focus
  • Increased Productivity & Connectivity
  • Acquisition and Retention Tool
  • Having a place to go to decompress and reflect
  • Rejuvenating — Increased  Vigor and Intention

Learn how to create your own mini-wellness area at the office or home.  Support yourself or employees by giving them a place for 15 minutes of self-care.  When your employee’s brain is well rested, they can best serve your clients with a clear mind.  That is the way to reduce lost clients, employee turnover, and create employee and client loyalty. 

To learn more about your options, Click Here and then set up a consultation

Reversing Food Sensitivity Sessions

This is a group session and we can support up to 8 people at one time. This is a non-invasive approach to reversing food sensitivities. It is the  Bioenergetic balancing of allergic reactions/responses  using Frequencies based in Teslas technology.  That modality is  combined with a specific sound frequency that resets  the neural network of the brain back to baseline.  Food imbalances and sensitivities are typically related to traumas. To set up a group session, please set up your consult by clicking here. 

Understanding The Power Of Water
Don't Be The Filter

Your Tap and Shower Water Contribute To Your Emotional Imbalance 

Tap and shower water in most areas are contaminated, toxic, and unclean.  After exposure, many people experience:
  • Irritability 
  • Brain fog
  • All over body pain
  • Itchy Skin and Eyes
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach discomfort
  • Vomiting
  • Anxiety

Learning Objectives

  1. How to determine what’s in your water Supply without Spending any money
  2. What bottled water is safe and which are toxic
  3. What is the difference between Filtered Water and Reverse Osmosis
  4. What is Alkaline Water and How to not pay alot to get it 
  5. What is structured water and the benefits
  6.  How water is shaped by environment, thoughts, emotions and how that impacts our cells.
  7. Signs and Symptoms of  dehydration
Class is 90 minutes long 
Shower Water

Group Baud Sessions

Group Baud Sessions are available  onsite at your clinic, office or retreat.
The BAUD: Bio Acoustical Utilization Device, is an easy no fuss way to reduce stress and anxiety using white noise.  It is a 45 minute session. Wear the headsets, listen to sound frequency, let go of what is holding on to you. Let go of fear, anger, stress, anxiety, replace with peace. Please watch this video so you can be more familiar before the group session. This is an session where you will receive guidance.

Precision Sound Frequency Group Sessions

    • Reduce or eliminate Stress
    • Reduce or eliminate PTSD
    • Reduce or eliminate Triggers
    • Reduce or eliminate Addictions
Before purchasing, please confirm dates with the instructor. 

Click Here To Set Up Your Consult to Learn More. 


Train The Trainer - BAUD

This course includes 3 separate 2.5  hour training Sessions – in person. (max Class size is 8 people)

How to use the BAUD for: 

  1. PTSD
  2. How to help clients dial into their own healing (Frequency and Disruptor Buttons)
  3. Learn about unconventional uses for Trauma, Boundary Issues, Anger, Stress, and Clearing  Chakras.

Incubator Programs


YEA was a community led program and Rev. Jodi worked side by side with many community Business Leaders.

Building our next generation of leaders with the Young Entrepreneurs Academy. Rev. Jodi ran this inspirational program for aspiring entrepreneurs in the Palatine, IL  community under the umbrella of the Palatine Chamber of Commerce. 

The Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!) teaches middle and high school go-getters how to start and run their own, REAL businesses.

Celebrating the Spirit of Enterprise and Innovation
Founded in 2004 at the University of Rochester with support from the Kauffman Foundation, YEA! has helped more than 4,000 students nationwide launch over 3,000 businesses and social movements.

Rev. Jodi started working when she was 14 years old the local Bank in Barrington, IL.  She launched the Debit Card Program for the USA and Internationally, she was part of the team that converted the UAL Mileage Plus Program from paper to online, became an Amazon Best Selling Author in 2016, and ran her own successful business for years. This made Rev. Jodi a great advisor, coach and mentor for aspiring entrepreneurs.  She guided students through the process of fulfilling their very own American dream. The program bridges the business and educational communities. The program connected students to local guest lecturers, successful entrepreneurs and mentors. Over the course of the program, students:

  • Brainstorm business ideas
  • Write a business plan
  • Interact with business professionals
  • Attend field trips for a behind-the-scenes look at local businesses
  • Pitch their business plan to local investors for startup funding and the opportunity to advance to regional and national competitions. Think Shark Tank!
  • Legally register their businesses
  • Participate in a local YEA! Trade Show
  • Launch and run their own business or social movement
  • Graduate from the program with lifelong leadership and business skills YEA Group photo 1