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Dangers of Consuming Fluoride

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral found in water, soil, plants and the air. For decades, fluoride has commonly been used in dentistry.   They say it strengthens tooth enamel and it has been added in measured amounts to public water. However, there’s controversy surrounding the use of fluoride and its safety. Some say because it is natural it is okay.  I would remind readers that mercury, lead and aluminum are natural too but not okay for human consumption.

Public health organizations have for years insisted that there are no questions about the positive effects of fluoride on human health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claims the fluoridization of water as one of the “10 greatest public health achievements of the 20th century”. Similarly, The American Dental Association (ADA) and American Academy of Pediatrics agree that fluoridated water and toothpaste protect your teeth and pose no risk to your health and are the main reasons most people no longer need the dentures that were so common before widespread fluoridation. According to these sources, fluoridation is why dental costs are lower and oral health problems have declined.  However, we can also look at the change in diet (sugar consumption) and oral hygiene habits as other reasons why oral health may have changed.  There are many factors to consider.

A growing number of studies/criticisms indicate that fluoride despite these claims by public health organizations, may not be safe for consumption. Anti-Fluoride studies and organizations attribute a wide range of health problems to the use of fluoride in water,  toothpaste, mouthwash and your food supply. If you want resources on fluoride … toothpaste, set up a free consult here. According to resources by The Fluoride Action Network (FAN), the compounds of fluoride are toxic and harmful. Reports by FAN object to claims that fluoridated countries have less tooth decay. On that same note, FAN insists that fluoride is an “endocrine disruptor” that can negatively affect our  bones, the brain, the thyroid gland, the pineal gland and even blood sugar levels.  It has been said that showering in water with fluoride will spike your sugar levels.  There are a growing number of biological dentists that have stepped away from fluoride use.

Fluoride and Water Supply 

Community water fluoridation schemes have operated for more than 70 years; the first scheme was introduced in the US in 1945. CDC reports that the average number of missing or decaying teeth in 12-year-old children in the United States dropped by 68 percent from the late 1960s through the early 1990s.

“Findings” which suggested the positive effects of fluoride by CDC and other public health organizations led to the introduction of water fluoridization in communities and the addition of fluoride to toothpaste and other dental products.

However, health professionals and practitioners have been skeptical about the fluoridation of water supply for decades. They believe there is limited research/evidence that supports the benefit of water fluoridation.  There is an increasing number of studies which suggest the negative impact of fluoride consumption on humans and our pets.

Although fluoride is a natural containment of water, having it as an additive to water is deemed risky and unsafe because consuming fluoride in high amounts causes health crises. Reports indicate that after a long time of avoiding it, CDC finally included a “prevalence of increased bone fractures in the elderly” as a side effect of water fluoridation. Mass distribution of a toxin through our water supply is not wise or safe.  You deserve clean water and a choice in the matter.

Fluoride and Dental Health

Besides being an additive to public water supply, fluoride is a notable ingredient in over-the-counter (OTC) dental products, including toothpaste, mouth rinses, as well as supplements and prescription drugs.

It has been argued that fluoride will help the rebuilding/remineralization of tooth enamels, preventing cavities and tooth decay. But this is not the first time a claim has been made by government organizations and then we later discover the due diligence was not done.

Many studies show that fluoride leads to dental fluorosis (a cosmetic issue acknowledged by CDC and other public bodies) and other health issues.  Children are especially at risk since they are more likely to swallow these dental products when left unsupervised.

Mild dental fluorosis can have little to no effect. However, severe dental fluorosis, can cause the tooth’s enamel to become pitted or discolored.

Fluoride and the Calcification of the Pineal Gland 

Some researchers believe that increased fluoridation leads to increased pineal gland calcifications.

The pineal gland is a tiny “soybean-sized” gland situated at the center of the brain which is responsible for the synthesis and production of the hormone melatonin– a hormone that maintains the body’s circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle), regulates the onset of puberty in females and helps protect the body from cell damage caused by free radicals.

The pineal gland is also connected to your third eye and it helps and supports you spiritually.  It has been referred to as your mind’s eye.

Calcification refers to when calcium builds up in body tissue, blood vessels, or organs and  hardens.  This disrupts your body’s normal processes and systems.

So, if we are hardening the Minds eye, how does this impact your intuition, your inner light  and your spirit? I will let you ponder that on your own and make your own decision.  For me, as a child of god, I chose to eliminate fluoride.

A study done in the 1990s reflects that fluoride from water and pesticides accumulates more in pineal glands compared to other organs of the body. The same study indicates that accumulated fluoride forms crystals in the pineal glands which then create hard shells called calcifications.

Fluoride -Joint & Nerve Pain 

Excessive fluoride intake (especially in water supply and now your food supply) can trigger skeletal fluorosis. Skeletal fluorosis is a chronic bone and joint disease in which bones are generally weaker, coupled with stiffness and joint pain. In severe cases, muscles are impaired, and bones in the central skeleton are irregularly thickened and immobilized.

Fluoride and Food Supply

Fluoride can build up both in healthy and unhealthy foods and drinks. If “fluoride fortified” water was used to grow the “organic” food you buy, it would contain fluoride. If fluoridated water was used to make a drink you purchased, that drink contains fluoride. Food and beverages that contain high sugar levels can then be even more harmful in this case.

Consider grapes which are grown with fluoridated water already have fluoride because of the water used to help them grow.  Next, they use the grapes to make raisins which are high in sugar and can get stuck between your teeth.

The risk of tooth decay increases greatly because of the combined effect of both the fluoride and the sugar.

Some food and drinks noted to be high in fluoride containment include Black Tea (Brewed with Tap Water), Fruit Juice (Grape), Sodas, Blue Crab, Shrimp, Fruit Flavored Water with Sweeteners, Table Wine, Coffee, Average Municipal (City) Tap Water and Raisins, etc.  I think the point has been made. When it comes to foods with fluoride, levels generally depend on the fluoride content of the:

  • Soil it’s grown in
  • Water it lives in
  • Water it’s made from
  • Pesticides used for farming
  • Cookware used for cooking

You don’t have control over a few of these factors but with the ones you do, you can keep some foods on this list fluoride-free.

If you’re concerned about your fluoride intake, you can reduce your family’s exposure by using ProOne’s Water Filters offered by Suson Essentials. ProOne’s water filters remove fluoride, lead, chlorine and 200+ contaminants from your water supply.  If you need help selecting dental products that are fluoride-free , please feel free to set up a free consult at , email  or call (847) 738-0242 for Rev. Jodi L. Suson and (847) 220-0828 for Andrew Calhoun.


American Academy of Pediatrics. (2008). Fluoride in Water | What You Need To Know About Fluoride. I like My Teeth.

Cafasso, J. (2018a, May 24). What Is Fluoride, and Is It Safe? Healthline; Healthline Media.

Cafasso, J. (2018b, August 30). Should You Be Worried About Fluoride Toothpaste? Healthline.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019). Community Water Fluoridation. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Edwards, R. (2017, October 15). Is Fluoride Bad for You? Dangers and How to Detox. Dr. Axe.

Fluoride Action Network (FAN). (2012, August 28). Video Summaries. Fluoride Action Network.

Fluoride Action Network (FAN). (2020). Fluoride Action Network | Pineal Gland.

Ka, K. (1986). Skeletal Fluorosis in Humans: A Review of Recent Progress in the Understanding of the Disease. Progress in Food & Nutrition Science.

Moore, K. (2015, September 26). Calcification: Types, Causes, and Diagnosis. Healthline.

Nall, R. (2020, May 26). Decalcifying The Pineal Gland: What to Do. Healthline.

National Health Services UK (NHS). (2019). Fluoride. NHS.

Ratini, M. (2021, June 23). What to Know About Calcification of the Pineal Gland. WebMD.

Whitbread, D. (2022, April 24). Top 10 Foods and Drinks Highest in Fluoride. Myfooddata.

Zohoori, F. V., & Duckworth, R. M. (2017, January 1). Chapter 44 – Fluoride: Intake and Metabolism, Therapeutic and Toxicological Consequences (J. F. Collins, Ed.). ScienceDirect; Academic Press.


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