Please call for your individual quote.
TrueRife Session Therapy harnesses the power of advanced frequency technology to address a wide range of health concerns and promote holistic wellness. Our therapy sessions utilize state-of-the-art TrueRife frequency devices, meticulously designed to emit precise frequencies that resonate with the body’s natural healing mechanisms.
What Can TrueRife Do For You?
1. Decrease Pain
2. Improve Sleep
3. Increase Energy/Reduce Fatigue
4. Boost Athletic Performance
5. Elevate Your Mood
6. Recover Faster
7. Detox Your Body
TrueRife has over 2,400 programs in our database. New Programs are developed and added
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TrueRife Session Therapy harnesses the power of advanced frequency technology to address a wide range of health concerns and promote holistic wellness. Our therapy sessions utilize state-of-the-art TrueRife frequency devices, meticulously designed to emit precise frequencies that resonate with the body’s natural healing mechanisms. True Rife Sessions are $220 per hour. $110 for 30 minutes.  Customized sessions will vary by individual need.
One should always bear in mind that one’s own active participation in their own health choices, as
well as one’s own positive intention, can have a very positive influence on the effect of the programs.
Reason being that it is possible for our mind to influence matter. In this way, the positive effects of the
frequencies can have an energetic effect more easily.
Disclaimer; In accordance with FDA and various state laws, TrueRife makes no health or
medical claims for any of our products. TrueRife is a research company and all information
enclosed within this website must be considered theoretical and for experimental research
only. TrueRife makes no claim to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, prevent disease, or make
any organ or part of the human body function properly. TrueRife products are not a substitute
for medical treatment from a licensed physician. If you are experiencing any health problems,
please consult a licensed health professional.