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Plasmodium Vivax (Causes Malaria)

Plasmodium VivaxPlasmodium vivax is another species responsible for causing malaria but is known for having a more prolonged and milder course of infection compared to Plasmodium falciparum. This parasite can remain dormant in the liver for extended periods, causing relapses of malaria even after the initial symptoms have subsided. The cyclical nature of infection often makes it harder to fully eliminate, with patients experiencing recurrent fevers and chills over time. While typically not as lethal as P. falciparum, P. vivax can still lead to serious complications such as spleen enlargement and anemia.

Cleansing the body of Plasmodium vivax through appropriate antimalarial medication not only alleviates immediate symptoms but also targets the dormant liver stages, known as hypnozoites. This complete eradication ensures that relapses are prevented, and the patient’s quality of life improves. On a broader scale, mosquito control measures such as using bed nets and indoor insecticide spraying help limit the spread of the disease, fostering better community health by reducing the incidence of this parasitic infection.