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Breast Cancer

No More Bra's for Jodi

Ditching My Bra’s In Honor of my 58th Birthday… A New Level of Health Why?

Most of us women wear our bras too tight.  It all has to do with the cultural practice of wearing bras and not being fitted properly.  However, as I have grown wiser, I learned that wearing any bra will negatively effect the circulation within the breasts. Read the article that would link bras to breast […]

Ditching My Bra’s In Honor of my 58th Birthday… A New Level of Health Why? Read More »

Measure Inflammation

I advocate for a few companies that I feel put our best interest at heart. Cell Science Systems​ is one of those companies. http://Cell Science Systems Food Sensitivity Testing When I took the Alcat Food Sensitivity Test, and learned what foods, specific to my body, caused inflammation, I was able to shed the weight, a total of

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